ERPMan's Windows 8.x System Updates Page [32bit/x86 edition only]
  (Updated Friday July 26, 2024)

  Maximize the web browser window when viewing this page [using at least 1024 by 768 screen resolution].

  NOTE: Security updates listed here will be grouped by each year they were released.  Also, Microsoft
               has switched to a new monthly cumulative update format for Windows 8.x & Server 2012 R0/R2,
               effective October 2016.  Each new monthly cumulative update rollup will supersede/replace the
               previously mentioned update rollup from the previous month and will eventually include all the
               security updates before late 2016.
  Starting November 2016, new security updates will be
               released only at the Windows Update & Microsoft Update Catalog sites.  Starting April 2017,
               Microsoft has stopped publishing new Security Bulletins and only the MS Security Update Guide
               site features new security updates released in April 2017 & later.

   NOTE: It is not necessary to download & install all of the updates listed on my page.  You are not required
              to install them unless your system has suffered serious problems.  Make sure you download the
              patches for the correct operating system.  You can uninstall most system updates from your system
              if they cause more problems than they fix.

  I've made this page simply for informational purposes and to make downloading updates faster & easier.  All the updates for
  Windows 8.x listed here can be installed under any edition except for the 64-bit (ia64/x64) versions.

  Key = Windows 8 (8.0) is Windows NT 6.2.9200.16384, Windows 8.1 is Windows NT 6.3.9600.16384
            SP - Service Pack, NT - New Technology or Network, IIS = Internet Information Server, Cli. = Client
            RDP - Remote Desktop Protocol, AKB - ActiveX Killbits, Pro - Professional, Ent - Enterprise, MSI - Windows Installer
            WMC - Windows Media Center
  [a little star * indicates a new system update; the <> symbol means to install a patch with caution because it may have a
   possible side effect; I am not responsible if the updates you download here do more harm than good]

Support for all versions of Windows 8 (build 9200), except for Win8 Embedded Standard edition, ended on January 12, 2016 as
noted here.  Windows 8.0 users must upgrade
to Windows 8.1 & install Update 1 & Update 3 of Win8.1 in order to install new
Win8.x security patches made in late 2014 and later [although the recent security-only & security monthly quality rollup updates
for Win8 Embedded do allow installation onto the Home, Pro & Enterprise editions of Win8.0].  Extended support for Windows 8.1,
ended on January 10, 2023 as noted here while extended support for Windows Embedded 8 Standard edition ended on July 11, 2023
as noted here.  Extended support for Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry edition also ended on July 11, 2023 as noted here.

Recent changes made to this page: (up to a few months of changes if not frequent)
7/26/2024 - Maintenance/Cleanup only.
7/01/2024 - Updated description that the old Win8.1 KB2978742 security update applies to only the Professional & Enterprise
                 editions of Win8.1.
6/03/2024 - Updated links to the KB3172614 & KB3184143 updates for Windows 8.1.

Windows 8.x New Security Monthly Rollups & Security-Only Updates for
Windows Embedded 8
Standard & Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry editions
Support for these specific Windows 8.x Embedded editions ended on July 11, 2023

  • <> ~ Windows 8.1 Embedded Industry Security Monthly Quality Rollup - KB5028228 [Jul. 2023] (Download here) (5028228) # &
  • <> ~ Windows 8.1 Embedded Industry Security Only Quality Update - KB5028223 [Jul. 2023] (Download here) (5028223) # &
  • <> ~ Windows 8.0 Embedded Standard Security Monthly Quality Rollup - KB5028232 [Jul. 2023] (Download here) (5028232) # &
  • <> ~ Windows 8.0 Embedded Standard Security Only Quality Update - KB5028233 [Jul. 2023] (Download here) (5028233) # &
  • <> ~ Windows 8.1 Embedded Industry Security Monthly Quality Rollup - KB5027271 [Jun. 2023] (Download here) (5027271) # &
  • <> ~ Windows 8.1 Embedded Industry Security Only Quality Update - KB5027282 [Jun. 2023] (Download here) (5027282) # &
  • <> ~ Windows 8.0 Embedded Standard Security Monthly Quality Rollup - KB5027283 [Jun. 2023] (Download here) (5027283) # &
  • <> ~ Windows 8.0 Embedded Standard Security Only Quality Update - KB5027281 [Jun. 2023] (Download here) (5027281) # &
  • <> ~ Windows 8.1 Embedded Industry Security Monthly Quality Rollup - KB5026415 [May 2023] (Download here) (5026415) # &
  • <> ~ Windows 8.1 Embedded Industry Security Only Quality Update - KB5026409 [May 2023] (Download here) (5026409) # &
  • <> ~ Windows 8.0 Embedded Standard Security Monthly Quality Rollup - KB5026419 [May 2023] (Download here) (5026419) # &
  • <> ~ Windows 8.0 Embedded Standard Security Only Quality Update - KB5026411 [May 2023] (Download here) (5026411) # &

Notes: I will list the three most recent monthly & security-only update rollups for Win8.x Embedded editions, just in case the most
          recent ones cause more problems than fixing them.

& - These new Win8.x updates released Feb. 2023 & later will require the KB5023790, KB5023791 & newer servicing stack updates.

Windows 8.x Monthly Security Update Rollups [recent ones up to January 2023]

  • <> ~ Windows 8.1 Security Monthly Quality Rollup - KB5022352 [Jan. 2023] (Download here) (5022352) !
  • <> ~ Windows 8.1 Security Only Quality Update - KB5022346 [Jan. 2023] (Download here) (5022346) !
  • <> ~ Windows 8.0 Embedded Security Monthly Quality Rollup - KB5022348 [Jan. 2023] (Download here) (5022348) !
  • <> ~ Windows 8.0 Embedded Security Only Quality Update - KB5022343 [Jan. 2023] (Download here) (5022343) !
  • <> ~ Windows 8.1 Security Monthly Quality Rollup - KB5021294 [Dec. 2022] (Download here) (5021294) !
  • <> ~ Windows 8.1 Security Only Quality Update - KB5021296 [Dec. 2022] (Download here) (5021296) !
  • <> ~ Windows 8.0 Embedded Security Monthly Quality Rollup - KB5021285 [Dec. 2022] (Download here) (5021285) !
  • <> ~ Windows 8.0 Embedded Security Only Quality Update - KB5021303 [Dec. 2022] (Download here) (5021303) !
  • <> ~ Windows 8.1 Security Monthly Quality Rollup - KB5020023 [Nov. 2022] (Download here) (5020023) !
  • <> ~ Windows 8.1 Update - KB5021653 (need KB5020023 rollup installed first) [Nov. 2022] (Download here) (5021653) !
  • <> ~ Windows 8.0 Embedded Security Monthly Quality Rollup - KB5020009 [Nov. 2022] (Download here) (5020009) !
  • <> ~ Windows 8.0 Embedded Update - KB5021652 (need KB5020009 rollup installed first) [Nov. 2022] (Download here) (5021652) !
  • <> ~ Windows 8.x KB5012170 Security Update [Aug. 2022]  (Windows 8.0)  (Windows 8.1)  (5012170) !
  • Windows 8.1 Security Monthly Quality Rollup - KB4012216 [March 2017] (Download Here) (4012216) ^
  • Windows 8.1 Security Only Quality Update - KB4012213 [March 2017] (Download Here) (4012213) ^

Notes: I will list the three most recent monthly & security-only update rollups, just in case the most recent ones cause more problems
          than fixing them.  I will continue to list the March 2017 Win8.1 updates for users who have Intel Kaby Lake and AMD Ryzen
          CPUs installed in their Win8.1 PCs. 
          Note that the security-only updates are not cumulative but the security monthly rollup updates are cumulative.
          For a complete list of Security Only & Security Monthly Updates for Windows 8.1 (whether 32bit or 64bit), see
          this Windows 8.1 & Server 2012 R2 Update History page.  And for a complete list of Security Only & Security Monthly
          Updates for Windows 8.0 Embedded (whether 32bit or 64bit), see this Windows Server 2012 Update History page,
          which is the "Server" counterpart of Windows 8.0.
~ - The Win8.1 KB4022726, KB4022717 & later updates contain an updated Windows Update Agent that no longer allows checking for
updates thru Windows Update when these updates are installed on machines with either Intel Kaby Lake or AMD Ryzen processors.
Use the wufuc tool to allow Windows Update to check for updates with recent Intel & AMD CPUs after installing the latest Win8.1 updates.
<> - See the corresponding MS support KB articles on the issues/problems with the recent security updates.
! - The July 2019 and greater security updates require the KB3173424 or KB3173426, KB4566425 & KB4566426 or newer servicing stack
    updates installed first.

Windows 8.x Security Updates - Year 2016

(MS16-110) [Win8.1 > fix2] (3178467) (MS16-112)  [Win8.1]  (3178539)
(MS16-077)  [Win8.1]  (3161949) (MS16-100)  [Win8.0]  [Win8.1]  (3172729) ^
(MS16-057)  [Win8.1]  (3156059) (MS16-072)  [Win8.1]  (3159398)
(MS16-048)  [Win8.1]  (3146723) (MS16-056)  [Win8.1]  (3155178)
(MS16-032)  [Win8.1]  (3139914) (MS16-033)  [Win8.1]  (3139398)
(MS16-014) [Win8.1 > fix1, fix2, fix3 & fix4] (3134228) (MS16-027) [Win8.1 > fix1 & fix2] (3143146)
(MS16-007) [Win8.1 > fix2 & fix3] (3124901) (MS16-013)  [Win8.1]  (3115858)

Windows 8.1 Security Updates - Year 2015

(MS15-133)  [Win8.1]  (3109103) *
(MS15-120)  [Win8.1]  (3102939) (MS15-121)  [Win8.1]  (3081320)
(MS15-102) [Win8.1 > fix1 & fix2] (3089657) (MS15-119)  [Win8.1]  (3092601)
(MS15-089[Win8.1]  (3076949) (MS15-097) [Win8.1 > fix2] (3086255)
(MS15-085[Win8.1]  (3071756) (MS15-088 [Win8.1]  (3046017)
(MS15-060)  [Win8.1]  (3059317) (MS15-069)  [Win8.1]  (3061512)
(MS15-011)  [Win8.1]  (3000483) (MS15-038)  [Win8.1 > fix1]  (3049576)
(MS15-002)  [Win8.1]  (3020393) (MS15-004)  [Win8.1]  (3019978)

Windows 8.1 Security Updates - Year 2014
(MS14-064) [Win8.1 > fix2]  (3011443) (MS14-076)  [Win8.1 & IIS 8.5 - V2]  (2982998)
(MS14-043)  [Win8.1 Pro/Ent]  (2978742) ~ (MS14-045) [Win8.1 > fix2]  (2984615)
(MS14-025)  [Win8.1]  (2928120) (MS14-039)  [Win8.1]  (2973201)

Notes: Download & install these updates in ascending order [from bottom to top].  Windows 8.1 users must install
Update 1 [aka. KB2919355] as well as Update 3 [aka. KB3000850] before installing any new security updates listed above.
<> Caution: Problems have been noted after installing certain Win8.x security updates that are marked with an <> symbol.
Read the corresponding MS support articles of the affected security patches.
~ Sidenote: The MS14-043 security update only applies to the Professional & Enterprise editions of Windows 8.1.
^ - The KB3172729 MS16-100 security updates require either the KB3173424 or KB3173426 update installed first.

Other Updates & Add-ons for Windows 8.x:

Notes: Since Windows 8.x no longer includes the old Windows Help Viewer to view help files with the .HLP file extension, download
and install the WinHlp32.exe Help Program to restore the ability to view .HLP help files in Win8.x.
<> Caution: To install Update 1 on Windows 8.1 you must install these updates in the following order: KB2919442, KB2919355,
KB2932046, KB2959977, KB2937592, KB2938439, and KB2934018.  Also, see MS KB article 2919355 for any issues/problems
installing this huge update.  The July 2016 KB3172614 update rollup requires minimum KB3021910 servicing stack update (the
newest servicing stack update KB3173424 is recommended & supersedes KB3021910) or the KB3172614 update will not install.
! - The KB2999323 update, bundled with the KB3013767 update, contains Windows Update Agent v7.8.9200.17185; install the
KB3013767 update first and then install the KB2999323 update.

Other sites to find system updates and/or info for Windows 8.x:

Notes: Any downloads for Windows Eight (8) are found from its Windows Update feature.  By default, Win8.x may be setup to download and install system updates automatically while connected to the Internet.  To turn the feature off [if you're annoyed by it] open the Control Panel, select the Windows Update control panel applet, click on the Change Settings link and select the option that says "Never Check for Updates (not recommended)", then click Ok to save your settings.  Disabling the Automatic Updates feature by using that method will cause the Action Center feature to display some annoying pop-up messages that Automatic Updates was turned off, so open up Action Center, click on "Change the way Security Center alerts me" link to bring up the Alert Settings dialog box, uncheck the checbox next to Automatic Updates.  Then click OK to save changes and close the Security Center window and Security Center will no longer display popup messages that Automatic Updates was disabled.

Information on how to obtain and install system updates under Windows 8.x:

[click here to go to my Main page]

Copyright © 1999 - 2024 Noel Piring [aka. the ERPMan]
Warning: Do NOT copy part or the entire page without my permission.