ERPMan's MS Office Updates Page - Part 2 (Updated Monday August 5, 2024)

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   I've made this page simply for informational purposes and to make downloading updates faster & easier.
   Download and install these Office updates of their respective versions from top to bottom.
   [a little star * indicates a new system update; the <> symbol means to install a patch with caution because it may have a
    possible side effect; I am not responsible if the updates you download here do more harm than good]

The updates for all versions of Office are listed starting from the recent version of Office at the top to the earliest version of
Office at the bottom.  Note that these patches are for legally licensed versions of Office and not for pirated versions, so for
those using Office 2003 or greater go through the product activation process first before downloading & installing any updates.
Also note that I will only feature 64-bit (x64) editions of the MS Office 2010/2013/2016 updates here.

Key = MDAC/WDAC - Microsoft Data Access Components/Windows Data Access Components

Updates for 32-bit editions (x86) of Microsoft Office 2007, 2010, 2013 & 2016 are featured on my
MS Office Updates page - part 1.

Note: This page will not feature any updates for the Office 2019, Office 365 & newer application suites.

Recent changes made to this page: (up to between 3 & 7 months of changes, if not frequent enough).
8/05/2024 - Removed link to the MS Support Advanced search page.  Updated links to certain MS pages in the "Other sites"
                 section of this page.
2/09/2024 - Replaced links to previously mentioned MS Office, Excel, Outlook, Powerpoint, Publisher & Word 2013
                 security updates with new ones made from June-September 2023.  Also replaced links to previously mentioned
                 MS Office, Excel, Outlook, Powerpoint, Publisher & Word 2016 security updates with new ones made from
                 June-December 2023.

Office System 2016 Updates [64bit editions only]: (need Windows 7 x64 SP1 or higher to use)
-Extended Support for Office 2016 will end on October 14, 2025-

Notes: MS Office 2016 may require you to insert your Office 2016 DVD when installing the updates listed above.

Office System 2013 Updates [64bit editions only]: (need Windows 7 x64 or higher to use)
-Extended Support for Office 2013 ended on April 11, 2023- {end of life}

Notes: MS Office 2013 may require you to insert your Office 2013 DVD when installing the updates listed above.  The
MS Office 2013 software requires Windows 7 or greater to use and cannot be used under Windows Vista, XP and
earlier OSes [and requires a computer with an SSE2 capable processor]
<> Caution: See MS article 2817430 on any known issues when installing Office 2013 Service Pack 1.

Office System 2010 Updates [64bit editions only]: (need Windows Vista x64 SP1 or higher to use)
-Extended Support for Office 2010 ended on October 13, 2020- {end of life}

Notes: MS Office 2010 may require you to insert your Office 2010 DVD when installing the updates listed above.  The
MS Office 2010 x64 software requires Windows Vista SP1 or greater to use and is not supported under 64bit Windows XP,
64bit Windows Server 2003 and earlier OSes.  Although there is a way to install Office 2010 on 64bit WinXP / Server 2003 OSes
by following the directions on this site.
<> Caution: See MS article 2687520 on any known issues when installing Office 2010 Service Pack 2.
<> - The latest Office 2010 MSO.DLL security update is only compatible with Windows Vista SP1/SP2 & greater and will cause
Office 2010 applications to stop working under Windows XP SP2 X64 due to the missing "GetDateFormatEx" function in XP's kernel32.dll
system file.
~ - The KB4092483 MSO.DLL security update is the latest update to work correctly on Windows XP SP2 & Server 2003 SP2 X64 edition.

Other Downloads & Add-ons for MS Office: (features MDAC & Jet downloads)
  • WDAC 6.0 MS12-045 Security Updates for Windows Vista, Server 2008 and Seven [7] ~  (MS12-045)  (2698365)
  • WDAC 6.0 MS11-002 Security Updates for Windows Vista, Server 2008 and Seven [7]  (MS11-002)  (2419640)
  • Removers/Uninstallers for Microsoft Office 2010  [removes MS Office 2010 software]  (290301)

Notes: The latest MDAC & Jet downloads for Windows 2000, XP & Server 2003 are included in the latest Service Packs available
for those systems (Windows Vista already has the latest MDAC & Jet components).  The MS .NET Framework add-on requires
MDAC 2.6 or higher to use so do not install earlier versions of MDAC less than v2.6 if you plan to use the .NET Framework.
The KB892211 Web Folders update for Win2k is needed only if Office 2000/XP or the Web Folders addon from IE 5.01 or IE 5.5
was installed.  KB892211 includes the MS01-001 and MS01-022 security fixes.  Those using WinXP or higher can install the
KB907306 Web Folders update.  KB907306 is not compatible with Win2000 and earlier editions of Windows.
~ - The KB2698365 security update for Win7 SP1 requires the KB2640696 update installed first.

MS Office File Viewers (32bit only): [for users who do not use MS Office programs]

Notes: Do NOT use any of the following MS Office File Viewers above if you already have an MS Office product or application.
These downloads are for users who do not have MS Office installed or are using old versions of MS Office.
~ - Microsoft will remove these Office File Viewers from the MS Download Center starting April 2018.

Other sites to find updates and/or info for MS Office:


[click here to go to my Home page]

Copyright © 1999 - 2024 Noel Piring [aka. the ERPMan]
Warning: Do NOT copy part or the entire page without my permission.